Based on conversations with hundreds of Americans, this volume reveals the self-understanding of Americans as a people and as a nation "The contemporary benchmark from which to look back and look forward in the continuing inquiry about ...
"The contemporary benchmark from which to look back and look forward in the continuing inquiry about American character."--Daniel Bell
Dick Gelb , the legendary CEO of Bristol - Meyers Squibb , simply says it this way : “ The years the big companies have gotten into trouble , their people were receiving two messages at the same time . ” The first message was the high ...
Each day of the year, this simple guide will help you focus on one essential aspect of your walk with God and show you how to make it a habit.
. holds up a mirror to American values, makes us examine ourselves, and dares us to question where our society is going" (George Keller, Baltimore Sun).
"The contemporary benchmark from which to look back and look forward in the continuing inquiry about American character.
Habits of the Heart: Middle America Observed