DIVRelations between Blacks and Indigenous people in Colonial Mexico as seen through a study of witchcraft accusations in inquisition records./div "A smart, sophisticated analysis of the cultural politics of caste, gender, and power in ...
As a result, Islamic ''Wolof'' slaves from Guinea were the most systematically kept out of the colonies (Palmer 1976: 7). 33 Between the initial conquest in 1519 and 1640, when the indigenous population was on the rebound and large ...
This political backlash, according to Thomas Ferguson and Peter Temin, was what precipitated the German crisis.8 Brüning's unrelenting austerity, by plunging the economy deeper into recession, increased political polarization.
A sustained study of Lichtenstein's pop oeuvre, offering new readings of such canonical works as Look Mickey and Happy Tears. In Hall of Mirrors, Graham Bader traces the development of...
This is the story of Virginia Hall and her immense personal courage and determination, and how she broke through barriers of physical limitation and gender discrimination to become America's greatest spy of World War II.
It is a tough decision to make--whether to give up your life so you can live it over again! _We are delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive Classic Library collection.
Hall of Mirrors
Hall of Mirrors is an autobiographical sketch.
A story rooted in historical fact, recounting the life experiences of Virginia Hall, an American spy who lived in Vichy France during World War II's Nazi occupation and help organize resistance groups and efforts.
It is 1969.
"A brilliantly conceived dual-track account of the two greatest economic crises of the last century and their consequences"--
The question, given this, is why didn't policymakers do better? Hall of Mirrors, Barry Eichengreen's monumental twinned history of the two crises, provides the farthest-reaching answer to this question to date.
Hall of Mirrors
Hall of Mirrors
Hall of Mirrors
If you had to give your life so that you could live it over again -- would you? Could you? Should you?