This is a lively retelling of Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
Edited by Joseph Pearce Contributors to this volume: Crystal Downing Anthony Esolen Gene Fendt Richard Harp Joseph Pearce Andrew Moran Jim Scott Orrick R.V. Young Arguably Shakespeare's finest and most important play, Hamlet is also one of ...
Hamlet: The Text of the First Folio, 1623
Enjoy William Shakespeare's masterpiece in two languages thanks to this bilingual unabridged edition, where french and english texts are in parallel all along the book.
La poésie de Shakespeare fuse à chaque instant, racontant le mythe universel d'une humanité confrontée à ses démons. " Hamlet est l'interprète de pensées et de sentiments tourmentés qui ne sont pas étroitement les siens.
Hamlet: Large Print by William Shakespeare Hamlet is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1599 and 1601.
Hamlet by William Shakespeare