Liddle, H.A., Rowe, C.L., Quille, T.J., Dakof, G. A., Mills, D.S., Sakran, E., & Biaggi, H. (2002). Transporting a researChapter based adolescent drug treatment into practice. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 22, 231–243.
Integrative, research-based, multisystemic: these words reflect not only the state of family therapy, but the nature of this comprehensive handbook as well.
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 10(2), 127–138. ... The contemporary relational supervisor. ... II (2nd ed.). New York: Bruner/Mazel. Pinsof, W. M. (1995). Integrative problem-centered therapy: A synthesis of family, individual, ...
Practitioners, researchers, and students need to have this handbook on their shelves, both to help look back on our past and to usher in the next evolution in family therapy.
Born free: The life cycle of a freestanding post—graduate training institute. ... Psychotherapy supervision: Theory, research. anrl practice. New York; Wiley. Hodas. ... Guidelines for the design of family therapy outcome research (pp.
psychosomatic patients remained elevated well after the end of the discussion. This residual effect can be described as an analogue to unresolved conflict in the psychosomatic families. On the basis of both physiological and ...
This volume reflects the achievements in developing new concepts and models of family therapy and new approaches to special clinical issues and problems during the 1980s.
This new Handbook of Family Therapy is the culmination of a decade of achievements within the field of family and couples therapy, emerging from and celebrating the dynamic evolution of marriage and family theory, practice, and research.