Inspiratory arrest on palpation over the gallbladder, known as Murphy sign, is a classic physical examination finding.1 Leukocytosis, fever, and a positive Murphy sign suggest infection.7 Signs of obstruction to bile flow include ...
This book will give a concise overview of all important topics and is designed to provide information in order to recognise the common surgical conditions; namely typical symptoms and signs, investigation and then treatment management.
"Written by residents and attendings of the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, the handbook will be a portable, pocket-sized quick reference covering 1) management of the pediatric surgical patient, 2) pediatric trauma surgery, ...
Handbook of Pediatric Surgery
Bracka technique uses dorsal preputial graft and in some redo cases buccal mucosa or post-auricular skin. The second stage is performed ... Surgical techniques in pediatric and adolescent urology. first ed. London: Jaypee Brothers; 2020 ...