Aussie optimism: Optimistic thinking skills program. Teacher resource. Curtin University of Technology. Roberts, C., & Rudge, L. (2015). Aussie optimism social life skills trainer's manual. Curtin University of Technology.
The effectof an optimism andlifeskills program on depressive symptomsin preadolescence. Behaviour Change, 18, 194–203. doi:10.1375/bech.18.4.194 Reivich,K. ... Aussie Optimism: Optimistic Thinking Skills program. Teacher resource.
One program designed to prevent internalizing problems and enhance optimism in upper primary school students (i.e., ... The program has two components: the Optimistic Thinking Skills Program (Roberts et al., 2002), and the Social Life ...
Adolescents, sex, and the law: Preparing adolescents for responsible citizenship. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Levesque, R.J.R. (2002a). Dangerous adolescents, model adolescents:Shaping theroleand ...
Interdisciplinary Focus – this volume brings together the divergent perspectives, methods, and findings of a broad, interdisciplinary community of scholars whose work often fails to reach those working in contiguous fields.
Duke University Press. ... Lonely young adults in modern Britain: Findings from an epidemiological cohort study. Psychological Medicine ... Exploring student engagement and collaborative learning in a community-based module in fine art.