ÖSTERLÖF , S and STOLT , B - O ( 1982 ) Ornis scand . 13 , 135-40 . OTTO , C ( 1979 ) Ornis scand . ... Parsons , A J ( 1976 ) Bird Study 23 , 287-93 . Parsons , T and Reid , D ( 1975 ) Ring . Migr . 1 , 56. PASSBURG , R E ( 1959 ) Ibis ...
... in fact taken only in proportion to its availability ( relative to other small rodents ) in habitat used for hunting ; smallscale work at Loch Mallachie , northern Scotland ( Wooller and Triggs 1968 ) suggested this to be the case .
Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: the birds of the Western Palearctic
This entirely new and authoritative work of reference has been planned to take account of the great advances that have been made in ornithological knowledge since the publication of the...
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: Hawks to bustards
This authoritative reference work is designed to take account of the advances that have been made since the publication of the Handbook of British Birds. It provides comprehensive descriptions of...