This practical guide offers readers a clear and comprehensive overview on how to communicate effectively for every business situation, from sensitive feedback to employees to persuasive communications for customers.
Most books and training courses on negotiations use the term “win-win” to describe integrative deals. In fact, both the term and the concept have become so popular that they have become clichés:“We're looking for a win-win deal with our ...
Packed with practical information designed for business readers and managers at all levels, this essential volume offers insights on managing creativity in groups, developing creative conflict, and using technology to help foster innovation ...
Packed with hands-on tips and tools, Hiring and Keeping the Best People offers managers comprehensive advice for hiring more effectively and increasing retention. Book jacket.
Highlighting the latest research on team development and dynamics-and including hands-on tools for improving communication, resolving conflicts, promoting interdependence, and more-this guide will help managers at all levels to motivate ...