Harvard Law Review

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 131, Number 6 - April 2018
    By Harvard Law Review

    17 SITKOFF & DUKEMINIER, supra note 3, at 141. 18 Gökalp Y. Gürer, Note, No Paper? No Problem: Ushering in Electronic Wills Through California's “Harmless Error” Provision, 49 U.C. DAVIS L. REV. 1955, 1961 (2016).

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 131, Number 7 - May 2018
    By Harvard Law Review

    54 See, e.g., Yahoo Cert. Petition, supra note 3, at 1, 2018 WL 496964, at *1. 55 See SITKOFF & DUKEMINIER, supra note 50, at 42. 56 See Monica Anderson et al., 11% of Americans Don't Use the Internet. Who Are They?, PEW RES. CTR. (Mar.

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 130, Number 5 - March 2017
    By Harvard Law Review

    146 See, e.g., ABA SECTION OF ANTITRUST LAW, MODEL JURY INSTRUCTIONS IN CIVIL ANTITRUST CASES, 2005 EDITION, C-2 (2005) [hereinafter MODEL JURY INSTRUCTIONS] (listing monopoly power as an element in its monopolization instruction); id.

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 129, Number 2 - December 2015
    By Harvard Law Review

    THE FIRST AMENDMENT BUBBLE: HOW PRIVACY AND PAPARAZZI THREATEN A FREE PRESS. By Amy Gajda. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 2015. Pp. x, 302. $35.00. Professor Amy Gajda brings her journalism background to bear in her book ...

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 129, Number 3 - January 2016
    By Harvard Law Review

    It comes out monthly from November through June and has roughly 2500 pages per volume. Student editors make all editorial and organizational decisions. This is the third issue of academic year 2015-2016.

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 128, Number 4 - February 2015
    By Harvard Law Review

    TOCQUEVILLE'S NIGHTMARE:THE ADMINISTRATIVE STATE EMERGES IN AMERICA, 1900–1940. By DanielR. Ernst. New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press. 2014.Pp. ix,226. $39.95. In the1830s, theFrench aristocrat Alexisde Tocqueville applauded ...

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 128, Number 8 - June 2015
    By Harvard Law Review

    The Harvard Law Review is a student-run organization whose primary purpose is to publish a journal of legal scholarship. The Review comes out monthly from November through June and has roughly 2300 pages per volume.

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 127, Number 5 - March 2014
    By Harvard Law Review

    Harvard Law Review. Suing Alma Mater 120 Suing Alma Mater 2013 38029 95 120 Reflections on Judging.

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 125, Number 5 - March 2012
    By Harvard Law Review

    Harvard Law Review. oftheirownprograms.For example,withinDOT, thePipeline andHazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) writes and owns all the hazardous materials rules, which are enforced by the FederalAviation Administration, ...

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 125, Number 1 - November 2011
    By Harvard Law Review

    Harvard Law Review. Federal Rules crafted a transsubstantive set of procedures to be applied regardless of the kind of lawsuit (contract, tort, patent, federal statutory right)or the formofrelief(damages or injunction).

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 130, Number 9 - Bicentennial Issue 2017
    By Harvard Law Review

    raw material of law,”70 and how Dean Roscoe Pound urged the use of empirical and social science data, attending to diverse social interests.71 Schauer describes how Harvard Law School Professor Lon Fuller, in contrast, ...

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 126, Number 5 - March 2013
    By Harvard Law Review

    Therefore, if the decision rule is optimized for each scenario, it will already tend to be tougher on cases in x than on those in X \x. This strategy involving the use of optimal termination/continuation rules will be superior to ...

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 129, Number 8 - June 2016
    By Harvard Law Review

    It comes out monthly from November through June and has roughly 2500 pages per volume. Student editors make all editorial and organizational decisions. This is the eighth and final issue of academic year 2015-2016.

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 128, Number 3 - January 2015
    By Harvard Law Review

    Throughout her book, Professor Starnes provides examples, hypotheticals, and statistics that highlight the importance of alimony for spouses who have spent their marriages as primary caregivers. The Marriage Buyout explains how current ...

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 130, Number 6 - April 2017
    By Harvard Law Review

    15 For multiple examples drawn from a single volume of essays, see Tom Baker & Jonathan Simon, Embracing Risk, in EMBRACING RISK 1, 13 (Tom Baker & Jonathan Simon eds., 2002) (“[I]nsurance is one of the greatest sources of regulatory ...

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 129, Number 4 - February 2016
    By Harvard Law Review

    http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2015/07/29/transcript-deters-press-conference/30856359 [http://perma.cc/CHJ2-B9P2] (“[UC] does a great job educating people, . . . and that should be their job. Being police officers shouldn't be the ...

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 130, Number 2 - December 2016
    By Harvard Law Review

    Some bidders have expertise that gives them an “edge” over others; that is, they are able to assess value better than ... problem between management and potential third-party bidders creates an unlevel playing field in an MBO process.

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 131, Number 3 - January 2018
    By Harvard Law Review

    1990) (spectators with “Women Against Rape” buttons at sexual assault trial deprived defendant of fair trial), ... Since a lack of shoes may not even be noticed in a courtroom, “no shirt, no shoes, no service” is not as clear a case.

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 128, Number 6 - April 2015
    By Harvard Law Review

    The Harvard Law Review is a student-run organization whose primary purpose is to publish a journal of legal scholarship. The Review comes out monthly from November through June and has roughly 2500 pages per volume.

  • Harvard Law Review: Volume 124, Number 8 - June 2011
    By Harvard Law Review

    ... Bill, I bought my own copy. 3See BILL JAMES, THE BILL JAMES BASEBALL ABSTRACT 1987, at 27 (1987). I inherited Justice Blackmun's copy of James's Historical Baseball Abstract andlater gave acopyofthe revisededition toBill signedby the ...