Cathy Heritage has lost a child, an embryo she carried for only a few days.
Meredith Heasley brings her two youngest boys to the office one day in early spring . Both eight - month - old Robby and two - year - old Jason have colds , replete with green snot draining constantly from their noses and deep coughs .
Overcoming the Trauma of Layoffs and Revitalizing Downsized Organizations David M. Noer. Hallett , J. J. “ Worklife Visions . ” Personnel Administrator , 1987 , ( 32 ) 5 , 56-65 . ... A Special Feature of The Levinson Letter .
AT&T B Bardwick,J.M. Bargaining, asstage ofgrieving Beattie, M. Becker, G. Benefit plans: flexible and portable ; with old vs. new employment contract; for returning employees Bennis, W. Betrayal, feelings of Blaming, survivor Bridges, ...
Healing the Wounds is the most revealing book ever written by a doctor about his own profession.
Healing the Wounds: The Promise of Ecofeminism
From an employee perspective, this book provides a remedy for the toxic symptoms—anger, fear, anxiety, and depression—of layoff survivor sickness and offers a prescription for a deeper, more autonomous and fulfilling employment ...