Understanding the issues is more important than ever. Lack of good health coverage protection can be financially and emotionally devastating. This book will help you avoid costly traps and gaps.
In order to cover the basic principles regarding health insurance techniques, the first few chapters in this book are mainly devoted to the need for health insurance and a description of insurance products in this area (sickness insurance, ...
Choosing economically optimal health insurance coverage involves a tradeoff between risk reduction and the overuse of health care. The economic purpose of insurance is to reduce financial uncertainty or risk--the...
As such, this book serves as a basis for understanding and predicting the effects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA).
The health insurance issues and background covered in this new book encompass the latest and most controversial problems and events in an area of crucial interest to everyone.
This is a risky financial situation for the physician and/or hospital since patients are often unable to fully pay costly medical bills. With indemnity health insurance plans, this is almost never the case.