Accessible and appealing to a wide-range of readers, this classic book features a concise writing style, ample pedagogy, and numerous visuals to support your learning and understanding.
Health Psychology: An Introduction to Behavior and Health
... a variety of treatment methods , whereas others provide basically one approach , such as acupuncture , hypnosis , biofeedback , or TENS ( Follick , Ahern , Attanasio , & Riley , 1985 ; Kanner , 1986 ; Turk & Stacey , in press ) .
Caringinpractice, or agape, is displayed in varied ways by various researchers in varied situations (e.g., Waterston 1999; Singer et al. 2000). No fixed ground rules exist. What is central, indeed crucial, is the investigator's intense ...
Brauer, A.P., Horlick, L., Nelson, E., Farquhar, J.W. and Agras, W. S., 1979, Relaxation treatmentfor essential hypertension: A Veterans Administration outpatient study,JBehav Med, 2:21–29. Cumes, D.P. 1983, Hypertension, disclosure of ...
This book presents theory first and application second, stressing the need for an understanding of principles before putting psychology into practice.
Downing, R. G., Otten, R. A., Marem, E., Biryahwaho, B., Alwano-Edyegu, M. G., & Sempala, S. D. (1998). Optimizing the delivery of HIV counseling and ... 85 (Suppl 3), S3–S14 Easton, D., Iverson, E., Cribbin, M., Wilson, E., Weiss, G., ...
... J., 215 Brouillard, M. E., 102 Brown, J. D., 142 Brown, K. J., 250, 252 Brown, K. S., 262 Brown, S. A., 219 Brown, ... M. P., 345 Carey, V. J., 201 Carl, B., 137 Carlson, B., 346 Carmelli, D., 183 Carnethon, M. R., 199 Caron, M. G., ...
[58] Marshall S. J., Biddle S. J. (2001). The transtheoretical model of behavior change: a meta-analysis of applications to physical activity and exercise. Annals of Behavioral Medicine: A Publication of the Society of Behavioral ...
Marlatt, G. A., & Gordon, J. R. (Eds.). (1985). ... In G. A. Marlatt & J. R. Gordon (Eds.), Relapse prevention (pp. 417–471). ... In J. M Racznski & L. C. Leviton (Eds.), Handbook of clinical health psychology (Vol. 2, pp. 43–74).
The psychological research cited in the text supports a variety of behavioral, physiological, cognitive, and social/personality viewpoints. An emphasis on lifespan development in health and illness is integrated throughout the text.
This simple and concise introduction to the psychology of health is the perfect text for students new to the area.
Extensively updated based on over 1,000 new articles cited, and with a new chapter on research methods, the Fourth Edition reflects the latest cutting-edge research in the field to explain more thoroughly how context and culture are ...
This book is not a comprehensive review of work done in all medical specialties, although the structure has been chosen to reflect the prevalent sub divisions of medical teamwork.
Offering a balanced perspective, this text incorporates the latest research findings and statistics. It provides explanations of biological, psychological and social factors in health issues, reinforced with case studies.
ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist...
The integrated and interactive approach, combined with the comprehensive coverage, make this book the ideal companion for courses in health psychology.
RISK - TAKING BEHAVIOUR IN ADOLESCENCE Adolescents are no longer afforded the tolerance that children receive , but neither have they had the opportunity to acquire the skills , knowledge and experience that generally temper adult ...
MySearchLab is a part of the Ragin program. Research and writing tools, including access to academic journals, help students explore health psychology in even greater depth.
Providing a thorough biopsychosocial approach, Health Psychology is your ideal companion to studying this subject.