This book recommends modifications to reduce health care costs, assure an adequate health infrastructure, and increase disease and trauma prevention through improved urban planning mechanisms.
In this book, the authors conceptualize the •urban health nicheê as a novel approach to
Being a member of an international movement like Healthy Cities offered a great opportunity to work with other cities and participate in international projects facilitating the implementation of the core themes of the fourth phase, ...
The growth of health promotion as a topic for discussion and a principle for practice is widespread, and affects all groups of health professionals. The Healthy Cities project, like Health...
These are some of the voices which we may imagine would assail the ears of a putative research development officer for Healthy Cities in Europe. What conclusions might she draw? She might be forgiven for being initially disheartened by ...
While the fields of modern city planning and public health emerged together in the 19th century to address urban inequities and infectious diseases, they were largely disconnected for much of the 20th century.
In the paper " Health and Wellness in the City , " Barbara Lane redefines health as a state of well - being , instead of ... Suzanne Jackson focuses on the World Health Organization's European Healthy Cities Project in " The Concept of ...
While the fields of modern city planning and public health emerged together in the 19th century to address urban inequities and infectious diseases, they were largely disconnected for much of the 20th century.
While the fields of modern city planning and public health emerged together in the 19th century to address urban inequities and infectious diseases, they were largely disconnected for much of the 20th century.
Healthy Cities will be invaluable to all those working at community level and in government with an interest in health, as well as students of health promotion.
An introduction to the World Health Organization Healthy Cities project which describes its objectives and, using case studies, examines its performance and effects in improving housing, work, recreation, education, the environment and ...
As urban populations increase, strains are placed on basic infrastructure, housing, ecologic resources, social relationships, the local and regional economy and governance practices.
In this book, the authors conceptualize the 'urban health niche' as a novel approach to public health and healthy-city planning that integrates the diverse and multi-level health determinants present in a city system.
Explores renewable energy sources--particularly wind, water, and solar power--on a global scale, covering the cost, output, and environmental impact of non-renewable sources and the future role of renewables.