Hedge Funds

  • Hedge Funds: An Analytic Perspective - Updated Edition
    By Andrew W. Lo

    Table 5.1 provides a more detailed performance summary of CMP that confirms its remarkable characteristics—CMP's Sharpe ratio of 2.50 exceeds that of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, arguably the most successful pooled investment ...

  • Hedge Funds: An Analytic Perspective
    By Andrew Wen-Chuan Lo

    "--Narayan Y. Naik, London Business School "This book provides a useful and very timely overview of key aspects of the hedge fund industry.

  • Hedge Funds: Insights in Performance Measurement, Risk Analysis, and Portfolio Allocation
    By Greg N. Gregoriou, Georges Hübner, Nicolas Papageorgiou

    Specifically, Bacmann and Pache (2004) assume that investors choose either a portfolio to minimize the risk that returns will fall below a 1Lee and Lee (2004) and Sharma (2004) are examples of other studies investigating the possible ...

  • Hedge Funds: Structure, Strategies, and Performance
    By H. Kent Baker, Greg Filbeck

    He was a recipient of the Donald Cochrane Postgraduate Research Scholarship. ... She has won several awards, including the Midwest Finance Association Meeting Best Paper Award in Risk Management, Eastern Finance Associate Meeting ...

  • Hedge Funds: Structure, Strategies, and Performance
    By Greg Filbeck, Harold Kent Baker

    Fund flows, fund size, age, return volatility, and other fund-specific or strategy-related factors all affect a fund's chance at long-term survival. The chapter also explores competition among hedge funds ...

  • Hedge Funds: Structure, Strategies, and Performance
    By H. Kent Baker, Greg Filbeck

    The various measures quantify the effectiveness of security selection, account for investor flows, operating risk, and worst-case investment scenarios, net out benchmark and peer-fund performance, and control for risk factors that are ...

  • Hedge Funds: What Do We Really Know?
    By International Monetary Fund, Mr.Donald J. Mathieson, Mr.Barry J. Eichengreen

    Each episode of volatility in financial markets heightens the attention of government officials and others to the role played by the hedge fund industry in financial market dynamics. Hedge funds...

  • Hedge Funds: Risks and Regulation
    By Andreas Cahn, Theodor Baums

    VIII The Contributors Alexander M. Ineichen Mr. Ineichen is Managing Director and Global Head of AIS Research at UBS. ... She is the editor of International Survey of Investment Adviser Regulation, a comprehensive review of the ...

  • Hedge Funds: A Practical Global Handbook to the Law and Regulation
    By Florentino Carreño, Carolyn Boyle, Lynn McGrade

    This practical new handbook outlines key trends in the global hedge fund industry, including latest structuring and governance models, as well as operational, litigation, enforcement and key regulatory initiatives in the European Union and ...

  • Hedge Funds: Risks and Regulation
    By Andreas Cahn, Theodor Baums

    This inaugural volume of the Institute for Law and Finance Series contains the proceedings of the ILF/DAI May 2003 conference entitled "Hedge Funds: Risks and Regulation", and presents papers discussing the economic characteristics of and ...

  • Hedge Funds: Definitive Strategies and Techniques
    By IMCA

    Praise for Hedge Funds "This book couldn’t be more timely! With continued turmoil in the world economy and a prolonged equity bear market, investors want to understand the role hedge funds should play in their investment strategy.

  • Hedge Funds: Insights in Performance Measurement, Risk Analysis, and Portfolio Allocation
    By Greg N. Gregoriou, Georges Hübner, Nicolas Papageorgiou

    A team of experts in the fields of statistics and finance dissect hedge funds from multiple points of view. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to see how individual hedge funds and portfolios of hedge funds generate their returns.

  • Hedge Funds
    By Vikas Agarwal, Narayan Y. Naik

    The second part reviews research regarding the unique contractual features and characteristics of hedge funds and their influence on the risk-return tradeoffs.

  • Hedge Funds: Quantitative Insights
    By François-Serge Lhabitant

    "This is a landmark book on quantitative approaches to hedge funds. All those with a stake in building hedge fund portfolios will highly profit from this exhaustive guide. A must read for all those involved in hedge fund investing.

  • Hedge Funds: Strategies, Risk Assessment, and Returns
    By Greg N. Gregoriou, Vassilios N. Karavas, Fabrice Rouah

    Aimed at investment professionals and high net worth individuals, the text deals with current methods of hedge fund tracking, evaluation, and selection. Sample topics include convertible arbitrage funds

  • Hedge Funds: Law and Regulation
    By Helen Parry, Iain Cullen

    In the wake of the near collapse of Long-Term Capital Management and its repercussions throughout the global financial system, hedge funds have come under intense regulatory scrutiny. This Special Report...

  • Hedge Funds: Formation, Operation and Regulation
    By Stephanie R. Breslow, David J. Efron, Marc E. Elovitz

    More than just a passing phenomenon, hedge funds are now an important part of global asset management; and increasingly the focus of new legislation and regulation.

  • Hedge Funds
    By Ralf Clashinrichs

    Im Folgenden soll die Anlageform der Hedge Funds dargestellt werden. Aus zwei Gründen sollen Hedge Funds in dieser Literaturarbeit näher untersucht werden.

  • Hedge Funds: Myths and Limits
    By François-Serge Lhabitant

    This book dispels several misconceptions about hedge funds' operations and provides an impartial, up to date and comprehensive blend of theoretical and practical analysis of the market.