... Even the Fountain of Youth itself does not escape the earnest , vigilant irony . The Fountain of Youth , is , of course , a well - known utopian wish - projection of ancient pedigree ; it has been suggested that fifteenth - century ...
These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions.
Mit Grund hat Herwig Friedl darauf verwiesen , daß sich das Interesse des späten Nietzsche an Heine nicht auf die Frage der modernen Lyrik beschränkt , sondern ein breites thematisches Feld aufnimmt , auf dem er Heine als Vorläufer ...
" This book explores the many dualities of Heine's nature, bringing to life a fully dimensional character while also casting into sharp relief the reasons his writing and personal story matter urgently today.
Heinrich Heine
These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions.