This new volume in the Help With Housing Costs series covers housing benefit.
This volume in the Help with Housing Costs series covers the rules for housing benefit for rent payments across the United Kingdom.
This volume covers the rules across the UK for help with personal housing costs available through the universal credit, mortgage interest loans, council tax rebate schemes in Great Britain and rate rebate scheme in Northern Ireland.
This new volume in the Help With Housing Costs series covers housing benefit.
This first edition complements the Guide to Housing Benefit 2014-17. It covers the rules across Great Britain for help with personal housing costs available through the new universal credit and council tax rebates schemes.
This updated edition explains all the new rules for help with housing costs through universal credit and council tax rebates starting from April 2015. The guide is designed to run side by side with volume 2, which covers housing benefit.
Help with Housing Costs: Lessons from the US Housing Allowance Experiments