The book concludes by providing recommended actions for parents and caregivers, teachers, administrators, and policy makers, stressing the importance that everyone work together to ensure a mathematically literate society.
M. Cole, V. John-Steiner, S. Scribner, & E. Souberman (Eds.), Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Way, J., Ferguson, S., Mulligan, J., & McDonald, A. (2018).
Robert Reys, Mary Lindquist, Diana V. Lambdin, Nancy L. Smith ... Thomas, J., Tabor, P., & Wright, R. (2011, January). ... Retrieved from http:// Cooper, L., & Tomayko, M. (2012, May). Understanding place value.
A best-selling, activity-oriented approach to the methods of teaching elementary and middle school mathematics. It’s hands on, practical approach assists elementary school teachers in helping children learn mathematics meaningfully. ...
Helping Children Learn Mathematics: A Competency-based Laboratory Approach
This fourth edition continues to empower our education students to navigate the Australian Curriculum and NAPLAN testing environment successfully.
Grade level: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, p, e, i, t.
This field manual features many activities that will help you: Collect information about the school you are working in Observe and interview teachers and children Use activities, technology, and mini-lessons to teach mathematics Reflect on ...
Helping Children Learn Mathematics: An Active Learning Edition Sampler
This text is an unbound, binder-ready edition. Helping Children Learn Mathematics, Tenth Edition reflects the ever changing world of learning and teaching elementary school mathematics. Change is everywhere.
The book concludes by providing recommended actions for parents and caregivers, teachers, administrators, and policy makers, stressing the importance that everyone work together to ensure a mathematically literate society.
Covers computational alternatives, such as mental computation, estimation, written techniques, and calculators. Emphasizes problem solving, the most important skill in mathematics. Demonstrates effective classroom practices while providing a look into...
Helping Children Learn Mathematics
Now in its ninth edition, this book helps equip teachers with the necessary skills, strategies, and activities that are essential for them to have when they are in their own...