These volumes will be available as a complete set, mini boxed sets (by theme) or as individual volumes. This second set complements the first 68 volume set of Critical Heritage published by Routledge in October 1995.
In this elegant introduction to the work of Henry James, Susan L. Mizruchi places the notoriously difficult and obscure writings in their historical and biographical context.
Henry James: The Contingencies of Style
Of the heirlooms, William was to have the silver, as well as the furniture that he already had in his keeping. Henry would have a few pictures, including the portrait oi their Scottish grand mother. Hob was to receive a carefully ...
This is the most thorough gathering of newspaper and magazine reviews of Henry James's writing ever assembled. This book presents the most comprehensive gathering of newspaper and magazine reviews of James's work ever assembled.
Their ties to him were not sexual but imaginative, and their force was exerted posthumously: they were ghostly collaborators . . . all Jamesians will want to read Lyndall Gordon, for the breadth of her knowledge and sympathies, for the way ...
Henry James (1843-1916) was an important commentator on the cultural life of 19th century Boston, Paris and London. This collection of fifty six of his critical essays and reviews includes...
Henry. James. Armstrong, Paul B. The Phenomenology of Henry James. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1983. Auchard, John. Silence in Henry James: The Heritage of Symbolism and Decadence. University Park: Pennsylvania ...
Armstrong, Paul B., The Challenge of Bewilderment: Understanding and Representation in James, Conrad, and Ford (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1987). The Phenomenology of Henry James (Chapel Hill and London: University of ...
ED2 , 255 ; HJ / RLS , 12 / 5 / 1884 . ED3 , 58 ; HJ / WJ , 5 / 9 / 1885 . HO . 19 . “ The Art of Fiction , ” Longman ' s Magazine , 9 / 1884 . 20 . Review of “ RLS , Letters , ” North American Review , 1 / 1900 . 21 .
Here is high art in all its most placid and persuasive perfection.
Henry James: The untried years, 1843-1870
Henry James: The Middle Years, 1882-1895
Henry James
Henry James: Selected Works
Henry James: Selected Novels & Stories
Henry James: Interviews and Recollections
* A fantastic collection of three of Henry James' best-known novels in one superb edition.* Contents: - Washington Square- The Portrait of a Lady- The Bostonians* Just as accessible and enjoyable for today's readers as they would have been ...
This study attempts to trace commitment to change in the most polular texts of Henry James. James believed that the novel should be ahead of its time and should influence...
Henry James