Laos is the smallest state in terms of population, the weakest militarily, and the least developed economically in mainland Southeast Asia. Yet a glance at the map shows how strategically...
Ethnic Groups of Mainland Southeast Asia. ... Lao Hill Tribes: Traditions and Patterns of Existence. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 2000. Michaud, Jean. Historical Dictionary of the Peoples of the Southeast Asian Massif.
HISTORICAL DICTIONARIES OF ASIA, OCEANIA, AND THE MIDDLE EAST Jon Woronoff, Series Editor Guam and Micronesia, by William Wuerch and Dirk Ballendorf. 1994. Azerbaijan, by Tadeusz Swietochowski and Brian C. Collins. 1999.
Historical Dictionary of Laos, Fourth Edition contains a chronology, an introduction, and an extensive bibliography.
Provides information about the people, places, and events that contributed to the development of the Laos in dictionary format.