Hollis Sponsorship and Donations Yearbook
The Hollis Sponsorship & Donations Yearbook is an information channel between companies, sponsorship or funding seekers and support services. It lists both sponsors and seekers in all sectors in one volume.
Entries give the sponsor seeker all the information needed: name of company; address, telephone and fax numbers; main area of activity; contacts for sponsorship and donations; and where available, sponsorship budget and date set, current ...
A guide to sponsoring and donating companies, sponsorship opportunities, and specialist consultancies and services in UK.
The definitive guide to the UK's top sponsoring and donating companies, plus sponsorship opportunities, specialist consultancies and services.
Hollis Sponsorship and Donations Yearbook: The Definitive Guide to Sponsors, Sponsor Seekers and Services Suppliers
Hollis Sponsorship and Donations Yearbook: 1995 Arts, Charity, Education, Media, Sport