
  • Homeopathy: An A to Z Home Handbook
    By Alan Schmukler

    *Antimonium crudum: Heavy white coating on the tongue. Nausea right after eating or drinking. Worse from eating fats, pastries. Worse from being touched or looked at. Better from lying down and from warmth.

  • Homeopathy: How It Really Works
    By Jay W. Shelton

    Elizabeth Wright-Hubbard, A Brief Study Course in Homeopathy (St. Louis: Formur, 1997), p. 46; Animal Natural Health Center, “Learn Veterinary Homeopathy at Home or on the Road!” [online], http://www.drpitcairn.com/ Training/tapes.html ...

  • Homeopathy: The Complete Handbook
    By K. P. S. Dhama, Suman Dhama

    Homeopathy: The Complete Handbook

  • Homeopathy
    By Andrew Lockie

    Packed with 101 concise no-nonsense hints and tips Homeopathy is a strong addition to this wide-ranging series that covers everything from childbirth to yoga houseplants to pet care.

  • Homeopathy: Medicine of the New Man
    By George Vithoulkas

    Homeopathy: Medicine of the New Man

  • Homeopathy: The Great Riddle
    By Richard Grossinger

    This is a wonderfully succinct book which sets forth the history, essence, and methodology of homeopathy. The book is well organized in 5 major sections.

  • Homeopathy: Live Clinical Cases Vol. 1
    By Athos Othonos

    However, there's another way to do this, from the convenience of the couch of your living room! One can read this book that will place him, directly, into the office of the author during a homeopathic medical examination.

  • Homeopathy: Medical Treatment Or Demonic Gateway?
    By Vann Hutchinson, Sandra Hutchinson

    Drs. Vann and Sandy Hutchinson have written this book in order to warn Christians about the demonic dangers of taking homeopathic medications.

  • Homeopathy: From Alchemy to Medicine
    By Elizabeth Danciger

    The author traces the development of homeopathy, showing that Hahnemann's discoveries can only be understood in the context of earlier developments, including the ground-breaking work of Paracelsus.

  • Homeopathy: Science Or Myth?
    By Bill Gray

    Homeopathy is an increasingly popular alternative to traditional medicine, but many people are still unsure whether it really works. In this book, a Stanford-trained physician examines the science that lies behind homeopathy's success.