
  • Homosexuality: Good & Right in the Eyes of God? : the Wedding of Truth to Compassion & Reason to Revelation
    By F. Earle Fox, David W. Virtue

    (157) Socarides quotes from Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen's book, After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear ... Kirk and Madsen, says Socarides, urged “gay” activists to adopt. 156. See “B-2. Pansexual Education” on page 100.

  • Homosexuality: A Psychoanalytic Study
    By Irving Bieber

    M. Sandler and G. I. Gesa , New York : Raven Press . ( 1977 ) . Pathogenicity of parental preference . Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis . New York : John Wiley & Sons . ( 1980 ) . Disorders of the work function .

  • Homosexuality: A Scriptural Way Forward for the United Methodist Church
    By Joseph Walter Miller

    Powell's next move is to ask what should those people who are engaged in same-sex relationships do instead? The church's traditional response has been two-fold: 1) change from homosexual relationships to heterosexual, ...

  • Homosexuality: Social, Psychological, and Biological Issues
    By William Paul, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, SPSSI Task Force on Sexual Orientation

    Chicago : Aldine , 1973 Gallup , G. Gallup poll : Homosexuals in U.S. society . Boston Globe , July 18 , 1977 . ... In J. R. Chapman & M. Gates ( Eds . ) , Women into wives : The legal and economic impact of marriage .

  • Homosexuality: Speaking the Truth in Love
    By Edward T. Welch

    Homosexuality is the hot issue of the day, ? says Edward T. Welch in this booklet.

  • Homosexuality: The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate
    By Mark A. Yarhouse, Stanton L. Jones

    : The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate Stanton L. Jones and Mark A. Yarhouse help us face questions surrounding the issue of homosexuality squarely and honestly, examining how scientific research has been used within ...

  • Homosexuality: The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate
    By Mark A. Yarhouse, Stanton L. Jones

    Stanton L. Jones and Mark A. Yarhouse help us face questions surrounding the issue of homosexuality squarely and honestly, examining how scientific research has been used within church debates--especially within Methodist, Presbyterian, ...

  • Homosexuality: Christ Above All: The Church's Teaching on Same Sex Attraction
    By David Morrison

    The Church calls all people to chastity. This booklet explains the basis and content of what the Church teaches about homosexuality and same sex attraction.

  • Homosexuality: A History (From Ancient Greece to Gay Liberation)
    By Vern L. Bullough

    Probably the first record of conviction took place in Plymouth in 1637. In that year John Alexander and Thomas Roberts were found “guilty of lude behavior and uncleane carriage one with another, by often spendinge their seed one upon ...

  • Homosexuality: Its Nature and Causes
    By D. J. West

    This book clears away the debris of myth and misunderstanding in a vital area of social concern. D. J. West is professor at the University of Cambridge.

  • Homosexuality: Research Implications for Public Policy
    By John C. Gonsiorek, James D. Weinrich

    . . . This book is exceptionally readable. . . . [they] are to be particularly commended for their editorial expertise." --Contemporary Psychology "Gonsiorek and Weinrich′s book is a gem!

  • Homosexuality: Power and Politics
    By Gay Left Collective

    A socialist journal edited by gay men in the 1970s After the leading organizations of radical sexual politics - the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Marxist Group - imploded or dissolved, the Gay Left Collective formed a research group to ...

  • Homosexuality: A Subjective and Objective Investigation
    By Charles Berg

    It includes contributions by Sigmund Freud, C. G. Jung, George W. Henry, Magnus Hirschfield, Wilhelm Stekel and Sandor Ferenczi. In editing this volume, Dr Berg has bridged a significant gap in the scientific approach to sexual behaviour.

  • Homosexuality: A History
    By Colin Spencer

    Homosexuality: A History

  • Homosexuality: A Scriptural Way Forward for the United Methodist Church
    By Joseph Walter Miller

    Since Jesus recognized the sin of Sodom as inhospitality, “those who oppress homosexuals because of the supposed 'sin ... of the sin of homosexual rape and say nothing at all about consensual relations between persons of the same sex.

  • Homosexuality: a Straight BYU Student's Perspective
    By Brad Carmack

    Brad's pulled together research and anecdotes, science and emotion, rational and religious arguments focusing on the causes and effects of homosexuality. He also addresses popular arguments for and against same-sex...

  • Homosexuality: a Selective Bibliography of Over 3,000 Items
    By William Parker

    3188 entries to English-language and translated foreign literature. Includes pamphlets, government documents, theses, dissertations, journal articles (religious, popular, medical, scientific, and legal), court cases, newspaper items, literary works, and audiovisuals....

  • Homosexuality: A New Christian Ethic
    By Elizabeth R. Moberly

    The best-selling Christian study of homosexuality, combining a psychoanalytical approach with an emphasis on the need for counselling and prayer.

  • Homosexuality: Power and Politics
    By Gay Left Collective

    A socialist journal edited by gay men in the 1970s After the leading organizations of radical sexual politics - the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Marxist Group - imploded or dissolved, the Gay Left Collective formed a research group to ...

  • Homosexuality: How Should Christians Respond?
    By Richard F. Lovelace

    This is an intensely practical book, sensitively written to help the church reach out to the needs of homosexuals in constructive and compassionate ways.