How the Immune System Works

  • How the Immune System Works
    By Lauren M. Sompayrac

    class I molecules – and how do Th cells know to scan APCs for peptides presented by class II? ... Importantly, CD4 co-receptors will only “clip onto” class II MHC molecules, and CD8 co-receptors will only match with class I MHC ...

  • How the Immune System Works
    By Lauren M. Sompayrac

    Only when they tag an invader is the rest of the immune system alerted to take action. ... On the other hand, if an enemy again enters the tissues where effector memory T cells are “sleeping,” these cells quickly reactivate and spring ...

  • How the Immune System Works
    By Lauren M. Sompayrac

    In this book, Dr. Sompayrac cuts through the jargon and details to reveal, in simple language, the essence of this complex subject: how the immune system fits together, how it protects us from disease and, perhaps most importantly, why it ...

  • How the Immune System Works
    By Lauren M. Sompayrac

    It's clear you are in the hands of an expert." "Possibly the Best Small Text of All Time!" "This is a FUN book, and Lauren Sompayrac does a fantastic job of explaining the immune system using words that normal people can understand.

  • How the Immune System Works
    By Lauren M. Sompayrac

    It's clear you are in the hands of an expert." "Possibly the Best Small Text of All Time!" "This is a FUN book, and Lauren Sompayrac does a fantastic job of explaining the immune system using words that normal people can understand.