This book will help you to: Understand what makes difficult people tick and how best to handle them Learn ways to confidently stand up to others and resist the urge to attack back Develop strategies to calmly navigate emotionally-charged ...
WHAT CAN YOU DO? 'How To Deal with Difficult People' is designed to help you understand and handle such people effectively.
This book will help you to: Understand what makes difficult people tick and how best to handle them Learn ways to confidently stand up to others and resist the urge to attack back Develop strategies to calmly navigate emotionally-charged ...
Here is a preview of what you'll get... • Difficult people 101: types and characteristics • How to approach difficult people • How to deal with difficult people at work • Effective strategies of dealing with difficult people • And ...
Also, you need to ensure that you are taking care of yourself and putting yourself first and foremost for your wellbeing. With How to Deal With Difficult People in your hands, you will learn all of the above and much more!
1. What makes people difficult? -- 2. Changing difficult behahavior -- 3. Preventing difficulties -- 4. Being the solution, not the problem -- 5. Difficult modes of talk -- 6. Encouraging desirable behavior -- 7. Summing it up.