... “Sociopsychological Predictors of Affiliation with Alcoholics Anonymous: A Longitudinal Study of Treatment Success,” Social Psychiatry 5 (1970): 51–52; Hal Arkowitz and Scott O. Lilienfeld, “Does Alcoholics Anonymous Work?
Goals are for losers; systems are for winners. Forget 'passion'; what you need is personal energy. In this brilliant book, Adams shows us how to invite failure in, embrace it, then pick its pocket.
The player who first gets to five games against a similarly skilled amateur will still win most of the time, but not nearly as often as you would predict. If you are an amateur player with only two games compared with your opponent's ...
Goals are for losers; systems are for winners. Forget 'passion'; what you need is personal energy. In this brilliant book, Adams shows us how to invite failure in, embrace it, then pick its pocket.
In How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, Adams shares the game plan he’s followed since he was a teen: invite failure in, embrace it, then pick its pocket. No career guide can offer advice that works for everyone.
The second edition of How to Fail is a tighter, updated version, by popular demand.