Widely adopted by music schools everywhere and considered “the best how- to book of its kind” (Music Connection), it inspired thousands to stop waiting around for that “big break.” Now trusted as the leading expert for “do it ...
-- The new industry -- Recording -- The release -- Building a fanbase one fan at a time -- Playing live -- Booking and promotion -- Touring -- How to make real money playing colleges -- Sponsorships and investments -- How to master the ...
Not many things are inaccessible here; the only thing holding you back in New York is really yourself. —A. SARR, DJ/PRODUCER, NEW YORK CITY You shouldn't come here when you're totally green. You should have an idea of what you're doing ...
This edition breaks down these phenomena and more, resulting in a timeless must-have for anyone hoping to navigate the increasingly complex yet advantageous landscape that is the modern music business.
In How to Make it in the New Music Business, author Robert Wolff welcomes you to today's new high-tech digital universe by taking you to school. In 13 lessons, Wolff teaches you why you no longer have to play by old music business rules.