Elaine K. McEwan , Solving School Problems ( Wheaton , Ill .: Harold Shaw , 1992 ) . Chapter 8 : Helping Your Child Learn to ... Albert J. Harris and Edward R. Sipay , How to Increase Reading Ability ( New York : McKay , 1975 ) . 4.
Tiny Creatures: The World of Microbes Nicola Davies, illustrated by Emily Sutton We bet this is one your child will pore over for hours, read and reread, whether their initial response is “Cool” or “Yuck!” And it's about microbes!
Divided into four sections, from baby through teen, and each illustrated by a different artist, this book offers something useful on every page, whether it’s how to develop rituals around reading or build a family library, or ways to ...
One of the three business books I always have on my desk to refer to, it’s worth its weight in gold. In fact it’s worth its weight in saffron.’ Sheridan Thompson, CRM Director, The Walt Disney Company ‘I loved this book.
Children who read books have the ability to think, control themselves, and achieve better results than their peers. The book helps you to create interest and joy in forgetting time to read to your children
A parent's guide to raising a lifelong reader, packed with practical ideas for engaging children of all ages in books, plus wonderful lists of books, arranged by age and subject matter, will keep the shelves stocked and young readers' ...