This sentiment is echoed by Donkin ( 2005 ) , when he says : “ It is not the measuring itself that is the key to successfulhuman capital management but the intentions behind the measuring and the resulting practices that emerge .
... J 102 Smith, Adam, 8 Smith, R S 5, 9 Snell, SA 9-10 Surf, R 156 Sunderland, J 21 Syrett, M 124, 142, 149, 151, 162 Tan, J 110 Thomas, D 76-77 Thompson, P 134 Tsui, A S 129 Tyson, S 36 Ulrich, D 10, 37, 108, 122-23, ...
Many federal agencies have made huge strides to develop, fully utilize, and enhance the effectiveness of their most valuable resource: their workforce. This book captures those successes and relates the stories behind them.
This book is practical, and from a seasoned business executive's point of view. It's relevant for any size organization, both for profit and not-for-profit. Real-life examples are included to support the principles and key learning points.
... Innovation durch Geschäftsprozessmanagement. Springer, Heidelberg 2004 Chandler, A.: Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the American Industrial Enterprise, The MIT Press 1996 Computerwoche, 4. Dezember 1998, Nr. 49 ...
Many federal agencies have made huge strides to develop, fully utilize, and enhance the effectiveness of their most valuable resource: their workforce. This book captures those successes and relates the stories behind them.