Human Capital Management

  • Human Capital Management: Achieving Added Value Through People
    By Angela Baron, Michael Armstrong

    This sentiment is echoed by Donkin ( 2005 ) , when he says : “ It is not the measuring itself that is the key to successfulhuman capital management but the intentions behind the measuring and the resulting practices that emerge .

  • Human Capital Management: Achieving Added Value Through People
    By Angela Baron, Michael Armstrong

    ... J 102 Smith, Adam, 8 Smith, R S 5, 9 Snell, SA 9-10 Surf, R 156 Sunderland, J 21 Syrett, M 124, 142, 149, 151, 162 Tan, J 110 Thomas, D 76-77 Thompson, P 134 Tsui, A S 129 Tyson, S 36 Ulrich, D 10, 37, 108, 122-23, ...

  • Human Capital Management: What Really Works in Government
    By Inc., Federal Management Partners

    Many federal agencies have made huge strides to develop, fully utilize, and enhance the effectiveness of their most valuable resource: their workforce. This book captures those successes and relates the stories behind them.

  • Human Capital Management: Leveraging Your Workforce for a Competitive Advantageage
    By Mark Salsbury

    This book is practical, and from a seasoned business executive's point of view. It's relevant for any size organization, both for profit and not-for-profit. Real-life examples are included to support the principles and key learning points.

  • Human Capital Management: Personalprozesse erfolgreich managen
    By Helmut Kruppke, Manfred Otto, Maximilian Gontard

    ... Innovation durch Geschäftsprozessmanagement. Springer, Heidelberg 2004 Chandler, A.: Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the American Industrial Enterprise, The MIT Press 1996 Computerwoche, 4. Dezember 1998, Nr. 49 ...

  • Human Capital Management: What Really Works in Government
    By Inc., Federal Management Partners

    Many federal agencies have made huge strides to develop, fully utilize, and enhance the effectiveness of their most valuable resource: their workforce. This book captures those successes and relates the stories behind them.