Human resource management: international perspectives in hospitality and tourism
Human Resource Management teaches HRM strategies and theories that any manager--not just those in HR--needs to know about recruiting, selecting, training, and compensating people.
With a multifaceted approach and reader-friendly format, this all-inclusive text will be useful for students of human resource management as well as practicing human resource managers.
Adrian Wilkinson reviews the historical development of human resource management, showing how the changes in political, legal, and macroeconomic spheres have shaped how human resources are managed.
This series of 120 'in-basket' exercises covers the major areas of human resource management and provides the opportunity to integrate new learning with experience.
New to this Edition Includes all the latest SHRM 2016 Curriculum Guidebook listings that cover every SHRM guide item, including both the SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) and the Human Resource Certification Institute Professional in ...
Human Resource Management: The Canadian Dynamic
Human Resource Management: Charting a New Course
While clearly strategic in nature, the text also emphasizes how managers can more effectively acquire, develop, compensate, and manage the internal and external environment that relates to the management of human resources.
... Reinventing performance management', Harvard Business Review, 93(4), 1–10. Culbert, S.A. and Rout, L. (2010) Get Rid of the Performance Review: How ... PERFORMANCE. MANAGEMENT. Summary Chapter Review Questions Further Reading Useful Websites.
This text takes a managerial orientation and is relevant to managers in every unit, project or team. Managers are constantly faced with HRM issues, problems and decision making and the...
Human Resource Management: Concepts, Cases and Readings. Instructor's Manual
This core course book, combining a human resources management text with original experiential exercises, emphasizes the development of student skills and competencies. It provides comprehensive coverage of the key areas...
Managing human resources is increasingly recongnised as a central challenge in international settings. This book offers many insights into the possibilities of creative response to the challenges.
Ivancevich's Human Resource Management, 10e takes a managerial orientation; that is it takes the position that HRM is relevant to managers in every unit, project, or team. Managers are constantly...
KEY BENEFIT: This book seeks to help students understand the dynamic and exciting environment of human resources (HR) management and the complex decisions that all managers must make when managing employees.
For undergraduate/graduate courses in Human Resource Management. This best-selling survey of contemporary human resource management offers a balance of practical and applied material as well as underlying Human Resource Management...
Check with the seller prior to purchase. -- Directed primarily toward undergraduate business or management majors, this text also provides practical content to current and aspiring industry professionals.
Human Resource Management: Linking Strategy to Practice
For undergraduate courses in Human Resources Management. This Global Edition has been edited to include enhancements making it more relevant to students outside the United States The most student accessible HRM text on the market!