Philadelphia Daily News.;!category=news_update;&randomOrd=081208115620. Hoff,J.(2006, May 1). Myvirtuallife.
Since the first edition was published in 1997, Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations has become the go-to reference for public and nonprofit human resources professionals.
A comprehensive resource, Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, Second Edition: Discusses strategic human management and information technology Presents the legal environment of equal employment opportunity ...
Public and nonprofit organizations face difficult challenges today that make the strategic management of human resources crucial. This book shows how to integrate HR practices with the mission of their organization.
A comprehensive resource, Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, Second Edition: Discusses strategic human management and information technology Presents the legal environment of equal employment opportunity ...
Public and nonprofit organizations face difficult challenges today that make the strategic management of human resources crucial. This book shows how to integrate HR practices with the mission of their organization.
This is the first book to do both.
Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization.