I will survive: gute Ideen für schwierige Zeiten
Will she survive the scheming producer's ways, tricky challenges, secret cameras, the theatrics of the other contestants and Nick's charm and flirty good looks?
Nick , fully dressed again , waved to her from the opposite bank . Jessie's shoulders slumped . Yeah , she said to herself , like you really would have done it . She slid back into the water and swam over to him , pulling herself up ...
I Will Survive is the story of Gloria Gaynor, America's "Queen of Disco." It is the story of riches and fame, despair, and finally salvation.
" I Will Survive is an empowering picture book based on Dino Fekaris and Frederick J. Perren's #1 hit song.
This inspiring story takes you on a journey from Sunil Robert's childhood of battling poverty to support a family of six, to his becoming a global, award-winning communicator.
Personal story of overcoming domestic violence, losing both parents and overcoming obstacles all by the age of 23
A groundbreaking guide for African Americans containing an abundance of culturally specific and compassionate advice and information about healing from sexual assault and abuse.
Ellen decides the only answer is revenge when her boyfriend cheats on her with her best friend, her mother has an affair with one of her teachers, her beauty queen sister goes on a rampage, and her good friend, Julian, ruins their ...
" I Will Survive is an empowering picture book based on Dino Fekaris and Frederick J. Perren's #1 hit song.
I Will Survive is an empowering picture book based on Dino Fekaris and Frederick J. Perren's #1 hit song.
Prefacing these stories are contributions from 5 local commentators who share their personal reflections on the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities in Singapore.