The house on the Lake Erie shore looked exactly the same as when he'd last left it, sagging porch shored up on one end with cinder blocks, his mother-in-law's lacy curtains yellowing behind the front windows, a large pink-glass lamp ...
The icebergs or glaciers of the frozen ocean. The Scots Magazine, 47 (1785), pp. 161–2. 35. W. Scoresby, Journal of 1818. In: The Arctic whaling Journals of William Scoresby the Younger, Vol. 3, The voyages of 1817, 1818 and 1820, ed.
Weird, wonderful, and unexpected...explore nature's subjects that are just that!
Text and pictures explain the formation and movement of icebergs, as well as life on these icy masses.
One of them is left with a choice: revenge or sacrifice. The novel follows the characters into old age, when decades-old secrets illuminate the present and the past.
Describes the characteristics, size, and movement of icebergs, ice caps, and glaciers.