Overall, the resolution of the images is off-the-charts better than the first go-around. This is one "sequel" that I'm happy to be a part of, since we could make so many technical improvements.
So buy the damned book already and read like the wind! Best, Bruce p.s. If the book sucks, at least there are gobs of pictures, and they're not crammed in the middle like all those other actor books.
Chronicles the life of actor Bruce Campbell from his childhood in Detroit through his time spent making the film Evil Dead to his days in Hollywood.
Chronicles the life of actor Bruce Campbell from his childhood in Detroit through his time spent making the film Evil Dead to his days in Hollywood.
Told in Bruce's wry, sarcastic voice, it is a "Hollywood from the bleacher seats" look at his experiences in film and TV and at his status as a cult horror and sci-fi movie god. Over 200 photos.
If Chins Could Kill