In the Beginning

  • In the Beginning: A New Interpretation of Genesis
    By Karen Armstrong

    in the womb forever; they have to be ejected from Eden and become separate individuals, forced to make their own way in an alien world. After their sin, we watch Adam and Eve behaving like children or young adolescents, unable to cope ...

  • In the Beginning: Short Conversations in Genesis
    By Paul Taylor

    This book gives concise answers to a number of these issues, using the Bibles Book of Beginnings Genesis. Previously published in Life Times, this new collection features articles written by Paul Taylor of Answers in Genesis (UK/Europe).

  • In the Beginning: James Mackay Recalls the Opening of the Thames Goldfield
    By David Arbury, Metallum Research, James Mackay

    In the Beginning: James Mackay Recalls the Opening of the Thames Goldfield

  • In The Beginning
    By Kim Mitzo Thompson, Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand

    Titles in the Bible Stories Series include: In the Beginning, Noah and the Ark, Two By Two, Rise and Shine, Jonah and the Whale, Daniel and the Lions’ Den, David and Goliath, The Story of Esther, All About Jesus, Miracles of Jesus, Jesus ...

  • In the Beginning: An Introduction to Archaeology
    By Brian M. Fagan, Nadia Durrani

    Reconstruction of the hull of the San Juan. c. Display of a whaling boat in the Red Bay Museum. d. Artist's impression of whale oil rendering. A rchaeological excavation involves a wide range of sites and. CHAPTER 9 How to Excavate 169.

  • In the Beginning
    By John Christopher

    The people of the north followed the animals to the south. They took their killing clubs with them. A boy called Dom lived in the northern tribe. He was tall and strong. He ran very fast in the hunt. He ran like the men.

  • In the Beginning: An Introduction to Archaeology
    By Brian M. Fagan

    Odell , G. H. , and F. Cowan . 1986. “ Experiments with Spears and Arrows on Animal Targets , ” Journal of Field Archaeology 13 : 195–212 . Odell , G. H. , and F. Odell - Vereechea . 1980. “ Verifying the Reliability of Lithic Use ...

  • In the Beginning
    By Karen Armstrong

    In this fascinating book by the author of A History of God and Jerusalem, one of the best-known and least-understood books of the Bible is clarified for modern readers.

  • In the Beginning: A New Reading of the Book of Genesis
    By Karen Armstrong

    The book argues that Genesis is more about separation than sin, revealing humanity's increasing distance from God. The NRSV version of the text is published alongside the commentary for ease of cross-reference.

  • In the Beginning: The Navajo Genesis
    By Jerrold E. Levy

    The Navajo Genesis Jerrold E. Levy, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology Jerrold E Levy. Dyen, Isadore, and David F. Aberle. 1974. ... Faris, James C. 1990. ... In Warren L. D'Azevedo, ed., Handbook of North American Indians. Vol.

  • In the Beginning
    By Karen Armstrong

    In this book, Karen Armstrong brilliantly illuminates the mysteries and profundities of this mystifying work.

  • In The Beginning
    By Kim Mitzo Thompson, Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand

    Titles in the Bible Stories Series include: In the Beginning, Noah and the Ark, Two By Two, Rise and Shine, Jonah and the Whale, Daniel and the Lions’ Den, David and Goliath, The Story of Esther, All About Jesus, Miracles of Jesus, Jesus ...

  • In the Beginning
    By Robert Silverberg

    In the Beginning is a showcase of artefacts from a vanished age: sixteen of Robert Silverberg's earliest stories reprinted in for the first time in m any years.

  • In the Beginning: Understanding Creation in the Chaos of Life
    By Emily Christensen

    Smith. said,. “The beginning was when the councils met and the decision was made to create this earth, that the spirits who were intended for this earth should come here and partake of the mortal conditions and receive bodies of flesh ...

  • In the Beginning: Evidence for God from Physics
    By Robert J. Spitzer

    This series of presentations, based on Spitzer's book, explores what limits, if any, exist for scientific evidence and whether this evidence supports the notion of a beginning and design of the universe.

  • In the Beginning
    By Ricky Lavaughn

    In The Beginning is a detailed Bible Study on the book of Genesis.

  • In the Beginning: Fundamentalism, the Scopes Trial, and the Making of the Antievolution Movement
    By Michael Lienesch

    the Democratic Party,'' ibid., 10; and Bailey, Southern White Protestantism, 99. On the connections between the preachers and the Republican Party, see Allan J. Lichtman, Prejudice and the Old Politics: The Presidential Election of 1928 ...

  • In the Beginning
    By Pauline Baynes

    The story of the seven days of Creation presented in pictures and accompanied by extracts from the King James Bible.

  • In the Beginning: Fundamentalism, the Scopes Trial, and the Making of the Antievolution Movement
    By Michael Lienesch

    See John L. Morrison, “American Catholics and the Crusade against Evolution,” American Catholic Historical Society ofPhiladelphia Records 64 (195 3): 64-68. Catholics played almost no part in the antievolution campaigns ofthe 1920s.

  • In the Beginning: An Egg, a Mask, a Woman
    By Susan Rogers

    In the Beginning: an Egg, a Mask, a Woman is a collection of poetry by Susan J. Rogers. The three sections of the book, "Tara Poems," "Songs of Ama-terasu," and "Ways of God/dess," all begin with illustrations by Luisa-Maria Potter.