In 1967, in the last year of his life, E.J. Young delivered in Toronto a series of popular addresses which are here reprinted.
The text introduces archeology's basic principles along with numerous examples from all over the world. Authors Brian Fagan and Nadia Durrani provide a comprehensive summary of the field for people who have little or no experience.
... no place for amateurs. This arrogant statement is nonsense and misses the point. Amateurs bring an extraordinary range of skills to archaeology. During our careers, we've worked with, among others, an accountant (who straightened out ...
The first book to explore and explain the significance of this dramatic discovery, John Gribbin's In the Beginning uses the results to synthesize a startlingly new understanding of the Universe.
A thought-provoking collection of 25 stories that reflect the wonder and glory of the origins of the world and humankind. "A must for mythology shelves".--Booklist. Full color. (All Ages)
Analyzes the consequences of the most recent discoveries in the field of astronomy, discussing the findings of the COBE satellite, which prove the Big Bang theory but pose other important questions about the origin of life. 30,000 first ...
As a young man, he must start anew and define his own path of personal belief that diverges sharply with his devout father and everything he has been taught.... "From the Paperback edition."
Sometimes things don't work out according to our plans, but we must know that God is in control of everything.
A delightful, rhyming retelling of the creation story. Children will enjoy the rolling rhythm and rhyme of this tale, and adults will love sharing it with them. Full-color illustrations.
In this groundbreaking book, author Kwek Ping Yong explains why, when it comes to China, due diligence is, by far, more art than science.
It reveals principles that become the legal precedence that form the foundation for GodaEUR(tm)s plan of salvation. In this book, we unveil some of these principles established in the beginning and answer some questions along the way.
Each book in this series is focused on one important story and lesson from the Bible. Timeless poetry and colorful illustrations make these books a favorite for both children and parents. You can read these books to your children.
The beginning of time. The origin of life. In our Western civilization, there are two influential accounts of beginnings. One is the biblical account, compiled more than two thousand years...
In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood