I turned on my heel and ran right into Miss Eliza Smith. Her eyes were bright with curiosity. Stuart stepped forward and made the ... “Where are my manners?” Julia gushed. “Laura Truitt, this is my mother, Mrs. Pamela Broderick.
The Science, Magic, and Mystery of Solar Eclipses Anthony Aveni ... “It's not just a hobby—eclipse chasing is a way of life. ... Excitement mounts, but it all really explodes at the moment the eclipse goes from 99% to ...
The award-winning author of Eye of the Storm chronicles the lesser-known rivalry between former Nazi-turned-U.S. Cold War scientist Wernher von Braun and Russian rocket designer Sergei Korolev, explaining how their controversial scientific ...
From Amy Cherrix comes the extraordinary hidden story of the space race and the bitter rivalry that launched humankind to the moon.
This book explores the inspirations, ambitions, personalities, and experiences of the select few whose driving ambition was to fly to the moon.