Neal O'Doan whole notes, my teacher played a magical accompaniment which made my part sound glorious. Thus began my lifelong passion to play two-piano music. I had turned five years of age a few months before that Christmas in 1939 when ...
A transcription and compilation of the records of Indian speeches and letters dating from 1774 to 1784.
In a sense they’re already gone, and this quietly disturbing book is what we have left.” Barbara Holland “This is a gem, a marvel of its kind, the collected memories and anecdotes of Loudoun’s most venerable old-timers.
Porterfield writes: Healing is a persistent theme in the history of Christianity, threading its way over time through ritual practice and theological belief, and across space through the sprawling, heterogeneous terrains of Christian ...
To add even further flavor to the anecdotes, Coons also offers a brief biography of each author. Family lore, a nostalgic slice of Americana, and the Hoosier connection that binds them all, make up this intriguing collection.
I think she is now retired and living in Fernie, B.C. My accompanist Heather Johnson is a choir conductor in Edmonton. Her youth choirs have competed and won in national competitions. Several other singers are also choir conductors ...
... From Birdwomen to Skygirls: American Girls' Aviation Stories (Fort Worth: TCU Press, 2009), 36–56, while Lisa Stepanski offers a ... with the assistance of Jean L. Adams and S. C. Gilfillan (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1946), 7–8.
This book demonstrates the enduring value of the five foundational pillars of St. Richard's School: Classic Curriculum, Faith & Tradition, Leadership, Civic Responsibility, and Global Readiness.
Includes: Lee Breuer, Christopher Durang, Richard Foreman, Maria Irene Fornes, Charles Fuller, John Guare, Joan Holden, David Henry Hwang, David Mamet, Emily Mann, Richard Nelson, Marsha Norman, David Rabe, Wallace Shawn, Stephen Sondheim, ...
This history includes excerpts from their memoirs, which are in the public domain. This work also narrates the life of Robert E. Lee, with short inclusions from Douglas Southall Freeman's Pulitzer Prize winning history, Lee.
A vast range of well-known, successful songwriters, many of them performers as well, reveal the nuances of their skill: how they write their songs, from conception to finished work.
FINDING HEAVEN ON THE BACK PORCH James E. Draper , Je Jimmy Draper is head of one of the largest religious publishing enterprises in the United States . Convicted of sin , he met Christ on the back porch of a parsonage in a small ...
The term "Scream Queen," while considered by some horror fans as a term of endearment, is considered by others to be demeaning to the female gender.
This book presents the actual statements and writings of jihadis expressing their views on virtually every subject relevant to their cause.
In Their Own Words: Women and the Story of Nauvoo
This book is a vivid first-person glimpse into the astronauts and men who played a critical role in America's journey into space and to the moon.
Heaps of love and send this on to my dear brothers and sisters —they will return to you, daughter, P. As planned, Nursing Sisters Balloch and Baldwin reported to Ontario Military Hospital at Orpington in Kent on Saturday evening, ...
The book represents a 10 year project to record selected veteran comments on their WWII experiences. These veterans mainly have connections with the greater Augusta-Aiken area.
With this book, the editors offer multiple perspectives of graduates from several CPED-influenced programs and allow these graduates to describe how they have experienced innovative professional practice preparation.
In Their Own Words: The Wisdom and Passion of Our Founding Fathers.