This is the first book in a second series titled The Little Eagle Series. The books in this series are: Indian Summer, Christmas With Little Eagle, Little Eagle Saves a Spy, The Golden Cross, White Panther's Legacy.
In the novel Indian Summer, a disgruntled journalist gives up the business and tries to recapture the magic of his youthful sojourn in Italy.
Originally published: Great Britain: Bantam Press, 2014.
Indian summer
This book is the best effort of the author to brng honor, dignity, and recognition to the Principal People everywhere.
Built in the heart of the Cherokee Indian Nation by the British Colony of South Carolina, Fort Loudoun was quickly isolated when British-Cherokee relations began to break down.
Rich in detail and anecdote, Indian Summer tells how the Choinumne built their houses, navigated their boats, hunted their game, and prepared their foods.