Inspections and Reports on Dwellings

  • Inspections and Reports on Dwellings: Reporting for Buyers
    By Ian A. Melville, Ian A. Gordon

    Getting quotations The cool of repairs may influoroolho amous you and propodo paylor Tho propoly. Bolomo you mào a loommitmorl to Huy Thompsogony, oughout of sororis and quo also soro thronopolo of further involodoro.

  • Inspections and Reports on Dwellings: Inspecting
    By Philip Santo

    This book is essential reading for all those engaged in inspecting dwellings, whether experienced, newly qualified or studying for appropriate qualifications to become members of professional institutions.

  • Inspections and Reports on Dwellings: Assessing Age
    By Ian A. Melville, Ian A. Gordon, Philip Santo

    Other books in this series: Inspecting - Reporting for Buyers - Reporting for Sellers

  • Inspections and Reports on Dwellings: Inspecting
    By Philip Santo

    What enabled the subsequent water carriage system of drainage to be developed was the spread of a piped water supply to individual dwellings from about the middle of the nineteenth century. Dwellings built after the Public Health Act of ...

  • Inspections and Reports on Dwellings: Inspecting
    By Philip Santo, Ian Angus Gordon

    This second book in the series of four, following Inspections and Reports on Dwellings: Assessing Age, covers the entire field of inspecting dwellings, from ascertaining the clients' requirements, setting the instructions by way of agreeing ...

  • Inspections and Reports on Dwellings: Reporting for Buyers
    By Ian Gordon, Ian Melville

    Completing the series of books called Inspections and Reports on Dwellings, the third and final book, Reporting for Buyers, offers the surveyor guidance on setting out their findings in a clear, unambiguous and unequivocal manner.

  • Inspections and Reports on Dwellings: Inspecting
    By Ian A. Melville, Ian A. Gordon

    The Inspection Beginning the detailed inspection of the dwelling with the roof corresponds with the required order of presentation set out in the majority of pro-forma for reports. Descending from the roof, it might be thought that the ...

  • Inspections and Reports on Dwellings: Reporting for Sellers
    By Ian Gordon, Ian Melville

    The way those aspects are dealt with in the Home Condition and Single Survey Reports is governed by the need to apply Condition Ratings and Repair Categories to the various elements which make up a dwelling.