This volume reviews the publicly available sources of statistical information on intellectual property rights, looking principally at patents, designs, royalties and inventions.
Intellectual Property Rights: Text and Cases
This edited volume, Intellectual Property Rights – Patent, is a collection of reviewed and relevant research chapters, offering a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of patents and its issues.
GAO Survey on Patent Experience : Japan , Europe , and the United States 33. What problems , if any , has your company ... [ 4.0 % ) Patent attorney in private practice representing the company 35. Please estimate the average number of ...
This pamphlet analyses how the aims of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and its provision for intellectual property rights (IPRs), interact with international trade rules, particularly in the issues of seeds and plant varieties ...
As should be obvious , open source software invites a form of free - riding whereby open software is taken , improved or altered , and then distributed under the more typical closed commercial model . To the open source advocate , such ...
This book is the result of the PhD project I started four years ago at Europa-Kolleg Hamburg. I had the great opportunity to work on it for one year at...
Intellectual Property Rights: Law in India
This volume includes a range of topics addressing aspects of the current status of intellectual property (IP) protection regimes in the Gulf Cooperation Council and its individual member states, and aspiring GCC members Jordan and Yemen.
This book comprehensively discusses how to manage and secure the intellectual property and the legal norms associated with it. The book begins with introducing the concepts related to Intellectual Property and the WTO Agreement.
In the following sections we look at the development and diffusion of agricultural innovation across the globe during the progress of the “green revolution” (1960–2000). In section 2 we develop the nature of the puzzles ...
Rather, these countries need to outsmart the high-protectionists by fashioning intellectual property regimes that match their own needs and capacities without violating international IP norms.158 In particular ...
Intellectual Property Rights: Critical Concepts in Law
There is a growing need to understand the role of the regulation of intellectual property rights (IPRs) and this text addresses current debates affecting businesses, industry sectors, and society today, and also focuses on the possible ...
Intellectual Property Rights: Critical Concepts in Law
This important collection puts the policy problems in proper perspective by assembling the work of leading scholars and researchers who examine intellectual property rights in terms of how they actually work in legal, economic, and ...
Intellectual Property Rights: Critical Concepts in Law
An important research resource for both students and scholars in the field, this major new collection covers all aspects of intellectual property rights including history, purpose, moral rights, patents, trade marks and enforcement.
With reference to India; papers presented at a Two-Day National Level Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights organized by Department of Economics, Kakatiya University and sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of ...
Intellectual Property Rights: A Critical History