This book provides an authoritative reference for exploiting this property to its fullest extent, and quantifying its actual economic value.
The Law at your fingertips ... The essential revision tool for all law students studying degree level courses.
When the trade secret belongs to the employer: A trade secret created by an employee will nonetheless be the property of ... and the employer has put substantial resources at the employee's disposal for development of the trade secret.
Designed for a comprehensive intellectual property survey class (covering trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, the right of publicity, idea protection, international agreements, and other topics) or for a course focusing...
Bravo agreed to a royalty rate of 4% of net wholesale sales in the territory against the prepayment of a guaranteed ... DETHRONE ENERGY DRINK—5% TO 12% OF GROSS PROFITS On March, 2012, Dethrone Royalty Inc. granted a worldwide exclusive ...
35 (cited January 21, 2000). 36 Ibid. 37;;; ...
The book also introduces students to the constitutional and international legal materials that shape intellectual property doctrine and policy. The book is designed so that it can be used in several styles of teaching.
"The history and nature of intellectual property; Copyright subsistence; Copyright ownership and exclusive rights; Moral rights; The patent system; Elements of patentability; The trade mark system; Designs; Other intellectual property.
This book provides an authoritative reference for exploiting this property to its fullest extent, and quantifying its actual economic value.
Stay informed about the latest developments in US intellectual property law In the latest 2021 Cumulative Supplement to the fifth edition of Intellectual Property: Valuation, Exploitation, and Infringement Damages, readers will find ...
This book examines the business economics of strategies involving intellectual property licensing and joint ventures, provides analytical models that can be used to determine reasonable royalty rates for licensing and for determining fair ...
Designed to simplify the process of attaching a dollar amount to intangible assets, Intellectual Property Valuation, Exploitation and Infringement Damages 2011 Cumulative Supplement provides practical tools for evaluating the investment ...
This casebook applies the principles of intellectual property protection to fact patterns arising in a variety of industries, including music, art, computers, biotechnology, and industrial design. The text takes a...
The series is trusted for its expert summary of the principal cases in your casebook. Its proven reliability makes Casenote Legal Briefs the most popular case brief series available.
The author provides a comprehensive and engaging introduction to copyright, patents, trademarks, and other forms of knowledge that are subject to global law and regulation.
This book provides an overview of trademark, patent, and copyright doctrine and offers a foray into more advanced topics, such as digital rights management, international law, and state doctrinal developments in both civil and criminal law.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special features: Essay exam questions and answers, for practice applying the concepts you've learned to a fact pattern Short-answer questions and ...
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: The Law of Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, and Trade Secrets
This edition is also supplemented by an extensive set of self-assessment questions (and answers) prepared by the authors, which are designed to provide feedback to students on their understanding of overall intellectual property concepts ...
Intellectual Property: It's Beyond Real Property