Interfacial Transport Phenomena

  • Interfacial Transport Phenomena
    By John C. Slattery, Leonard Sagis

    Haines (1930; Miller and Miller 1956; Melrose 1965; Heller 1968) observed that an interface advances through an irregular pore in a series of jumps. Heller (1968) used highspeed photography to follow the Haines jumps executed by ...

  • Interfacial Transport Phenomena
    By John C. Slattery, Leonard Sagis, Eun-Suok Oh

    2.2.1-l(b). It is not necessary that the dividing surfaces be planes or equidistant surfaces. As suggested in Sect. 2.2.1, the net correction for intermolecular forces at each point in phase A is b(A,corr) = _ [ f{A,A)dy+ f f (A,C)dy + ...

  • Interfacial Transport Phenomena
    By John C. Slattery, Leonard Sagis, Eun-Suok Oh

    This is an extensively revised second edition of "Interfacial Transport Phenomena", a unique presentation of transport phenomena or continuum mechanics focused on momentum, energy, and mass transfer at interfaces.

  • Interfacial Transport Phenomena
    By John Charles Slattery

    Interfacial Transport Phenomena

  • Interfacial Transport Phenomena
    By John C. Slattery, Leonard Sagis, Eun-Suok Oh

    This is an extensively revised second edition of "Interfacial Transport Phenomena", a unique presentation of transport phenomena or continuum mechanics focused on momentum, energy, and mass transfer at interfaces.

  • Interfacial Transport Phenomena

    Interfacial Transport Phenomena