A premature frost in coffee - growing countries in Latin America may signal to speculators that the future supply of coffee will be lower than anticipated and , hence , that the price of coffee in the future will be higher than had been ...
Intermediate Microeconomics: Theory, Issues, Applications
Written to work hand-in hand with INTERMEDIATE MICROECONOMICS AND ITS APPLICATION, 11th Edition, this user-friendly guide includes a wide variety of learning tools to help you master the key concepts of the course.
Intermediate Microeconomics
Offering material on game theory and strategic behaviour, this microeconomics textbook has added chapters on game applications, systems competition, information technology and auctions.
The author provides helpful notes on how to adapt the book to your course.
The most modern and authoritative text--now with online homework
Through use of this text, students will acquire both the analytical toolkit and theoretical foundations necessary in order to take upper-level courses in industrial organization, international trade, public finance and other field courses.
This is the first intermediate microeconomics textbook to offer both a theoretical and real-world grounding in the subject.
A substantial number of homework problems are also interspersed throughout the text. Covering the essential topics of microeconomics, this book is highly suitable for a one-term class in microeconomics at the intermediate level.
The #1 text is still the most modern presentation of the subject and gives students tools to develop the problem-solving skills they need for the course, and beyond.
Through use of this text, students will acquire both the analytical toolkit and theoretical foundations necessary in order to take upper-level courses in industrial organization, international trade, public finance and other field courses.
The Eighth Edition includes contemporary case studies and examples and relevant coverage of the current economic crisis - all in focused, lecture-length chapters.
This exciting new edition follows Professor Nechyba's five primary goals for any microeconomics course by presenting the subject as a way of looking at the world, showing students how and why the world works, how to think more clearly and ...
Intermediate Microeconomics: An Intuitive Approach
Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach
The book is also strongly applied in focus and shows the relevance of theory in the "real world". Whilst these features make the book approachable to students, the theoretical content and overall learning experience is a rigorous one.
Intermediate Microeconomics: Theory and Applications
Building on the success of the first edition, the second edition of this highly regarded text has been fully updated and reworked, including an additional chapter on game theory.
Classic Strengths Renewed The Seventh Edition expands and improves upon the strengths that have made Intermediate Microeconomics the leader in the field: Engaging Examples -- Professor Varian's clear explanations are accompanied by exciting ...