For over two decades, Casenote Legal Briefs have helped hundreds of thousands of students prepare for classes and exams year after year with unparalleled results.
With over 100 Casenotes published today in all key areas, ranging from Administrative Law to Wills, Trusts, and Estates each and every Casenote offers: professionally written briefs of the cases in your casebook coverage that is accurate ...
The Sales Contract law, governed the joint venture agreements and denied Prompriladamco's motion for summary judgment on the liability issue on the ground that there is a genuine issue of material fact as to whether Prendergast, ...
Powers of the Commission For the purpose of applying Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty, the Commission shall have the powers provided for by this Regulation. Article 5. Powers of the competition authorities of the Member States The ...
James G. Barnes and James E. Byrne, Letters of Credit: 2000 Cases, 56 Bus. ... UCC §5-108(a) provides: “[A]n issuer shall honor a presentation that appears on its face strictly to comply with the terms and conditions of the letter of ...
International Business Transactions: A Problem-Oriented Coursebook
The 12th Edition of this popular problem-oriented coursebook introduces law students to the conduct of business in the world community.
This book presents student-oriented materials focused on critical legal aspects of international business transactions.
Now there is a casebook with an innovative approach that covers the planning, structure, and implementation of the private international business transactions that characterize transnational commerce in the modern world....
This book is part of the Context and Practice Series , edited by Michael Hunter Schwartz, Professor of Law and Dean of the McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific.
New to the Fourth Edition: TThe 2017 amended version of the World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) (1995) Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the ...
International Business Transactions
Frank Emmert has performed the nearly impossible task of covering this subject in great detail, while keeping the work exceptionally user-friendly. It will be the 'go to' book for the teaching and learning of IBT.
This is a special break-out edition adapted from the authors widely used International Business Transactions: A Problem-Oriented Coursebook, now in its 10th edition (2009). The purpose of this volume is...
The text provides students with an understanding of the risks, limitations, and opportunities of international business dealings as an asset for both individuals and organisations in a globalized economy.
International Business Transactions: A Problem-oriented Coursebook
This is a special break-out edition adapted from the authors widely used International Business Transactions: A Problem-Oriented Coursebook, now in its 10th edition (2009). The purpose of this volume is...
These show key figures and tables from the text.
International Business Transactions
This is a special break-out edition adapted from the authors' widely used International Business Transactions: A Problem-Oriented Coursebook , 11th.