International Management

  • International Management: A Stakeholder Approach
    By Peter Stanwick, Sarah Stanwick

    International Management: A Stakeholder Approach applies a practical, engaging and real time approach to the evolving topics related to International Management.

  • International Management: A Cultural Approach
    By Carl Rodrigues

    International Management teaches the managerial process in a global context and illustrates how culture affects the managerial process. The second edition of International Management has been updated and revised to...

  • International Management: Strategic Opportunities and Cultural Challenges
    By Dean McFarlin, Paul Sweeney

    Integrating theory and practice across all chapter topics, this book helps students to learn, grasp, and apply the underlying principles of successful international management: Understanding the broad context of international business, ...

  • International Management: Text and Cases
    By David H. Holt

    Management is about people working in organizations, and international management is about people from many cultures working together, competing against one another, or trying to cope with one another's differences....

  • International Management: Insights from Fiction and Practice
    By Sheila M. Puffer

    As depicted in Figure 1, it is useful to compare and contrast a global mindset (High D-High I situation) with two ... Until as recently as a decade ago, Swedish nationals constituted virtually the entire top management team of the ...

  • International Management
    By Kathrin C. Hägele

    Seminar paper from the year 2006 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 1,7, Pforzheim University, course: International Management, 29 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: ...

  • International Management: Principles & Practices
    By Luke Ike

    This book produces a clear and concise introduction to principles and concepts of international management as required by practicing managers and those in colleges and universities who are aspiring to become managers in international ...

  • International Management
    By Cram101 Textbook Reviews, Deresky

    Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides give all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanys: 9780130090539 .

  • International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior
    By Luthans

    This title reflects new and emerging developments influencing international managers.

  • International Management: Insights from Fiction and Practice
    By Sheila M. Puffer

    The only thing to recommend Bald Hill was the view of the town, and Mr. Gleason was building a wall that denied that view. The top soil was thin and bare clay showed through in places. Nothing would ever grow there.

  • International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior
    By Fred Luthans, Jonathan P. Doh

    In this new, eleventh edition of International Management, we have retained the strong and effective foundations gained from research and practice over the past decades while incorporating the important latest research and contemporary ...

  • International Management
    By Fred Luthans, Richard M. Hodgetts

    This comprehensive text concentrates on the strategic and human resource aspects of international management. The book links international management theory and research findings with international management practice, providing both academic...

  • International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior
    By University Professor and George Holmes Distinguished Professor of Management Fred Luthans, Rammrath Chair in International Business Jonathan P Doh

    International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior

  • International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures
    By Helen Deresky

    This globally oriented book covers the most current research and trends in International Management.

  • International Management: A Review of Strategies and Operations
    By Michael Z. Brooke

    Brooke , M.Z. ( ed ) , International Financial Management Handbook , Macmillan 1990 . Brooke , M.Z. and Remmers ... Buckley , P.J. and Casson , M. , Future of the Multinational Enterprise , 2nd edition Macmillan ( Basingstoke ) 1991 .

  • International Management: Theory and Practice
    By Paul N. Gooderham, Birgitte Grøgaard, P.N. Gooderham

    Teigland, R. (2000). Communities of practice. In Birkinshaw and P. Hagstrom (eds), The Flexible Firm, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Telenor (201 1 Annual Report. Templeton Global Performance Index (2000). Oxford: Templeton College ...

  • International Management: Cross- Boundary Challenges
    By Paul Gooderham, Odd Nordhaug

    The text takes an interactive approach to exploring this knowledge challenge.

  • International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases
    By Helen Deresky

    International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures examines the challenges to the manager’s role associated with adaptive leadership and thoroughly prepares students for the complicated yet fascinating discipline of ...

  • International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures,Text and Cases [Global Edition]
    By Helen Deresky

    By examining effective strategic, interpersonal, and organizational skills, the text prepares readers for the complicated yet fascinating discipline of international and global management.

  • International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures
    By Helen Deresky

    This globally oriented text covers the most current research and trends in International Management. Packed with 17 comprehensive and integrative cases that illustrate the actual behaviors and functions required for...