International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures
International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures
International Management: Managing Across Borders And Cultures, 5/E
The second Australian edition of International Management focuses on the expanding economics of Australasia, China, India and their increasing trade amongst themselves, the European Union and the Americas.
Designed to prepare business students for the global workplace, International Management outlines the actual functions and behaviors required for effective management of organizations and employees. This practical text is organized...
Written by an author with a truly international perspective – having gained both teaching and management experience in the US, UK and Asia. The author′s background in anthropology gives the book another unique approach.
Consultant Elizabeth Christopher explores management opportunities in encounters across the world between national, organizational, political, professional and social cultures.
For undergraduate/graduate-level courses in International Management and International Business. This book takes a cross-cultural and functional perspective in international management. Managerial functions are discussed in a cross-cultural setting of an...
The first four editions were used in hundreds of universities and colleges in over 20 countries. The book focuses on issues of international management common and important to business people "everywhere".
This International Management text pairs business articles and fictional short stories. The business articles provide practical guidelines and concrete examples, while the stories convey cultural subtleties and shades of meaning.
"The global business environment in recent years has been characterized by substantial and often unforeseen change.
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International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior, Ninth Edition
"--Offers a concise European approach to the subject, ideal for MBA students. It first considers management theory and moves on to apply it to European companies in an integrated, user-friendly style."--Publisher's website.
By examining effective strategic, interpersonal, and organizational skills, the text prepares readers for the complicated yet fascinating discipline of international and global management.
International Management: Managing in a Diverse and Dynamic Global Environment offers a modern perspective of international management rooted in a recognized framework.
Key Benefit:International Management, 6/e, explores the dynamic global environment of business management, by exploring political, legal, technological, competitive and cultural factors that shape corporations worldwide. Key Topics:The author examines cross-cultural...
International Management: Text and Cases
本书分三部分----教程, 国际化案例和跨国管理案例, 其中, 教程部分以简短精炼的文字介绍了国际管理的基本知识和技能, ...
For courses in International Management and Multinational Management.