Paul Doremus, William Walton Keller, Louis Pauly, and Simon Reich, The Myth of the Global Corporation, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998). Robert Gilpin, “The Politics of Transnational Economic Relations,” International ...
This edition, however, contains 27% new material spread across each of the book’s four parts.
Lake (1992), an early contributor to DP theory, attributes democracies' wartime success to the relative political weakness of rent-seeking expansionist leaders in democratic ... Disarmed Democracies: Domestic Institutions and the Use of.
For these reasons, IR is more dependent on theory than other fields in political science or the social sciences more ... In fact, policymakers have to rely on theory because they are trying to shape the future, which means that they are ...
This multi-authored volume has contributions from professionals and experts from different fields of international relations which will help students understand and present the concepts of International Politics more competently, with the ...
Comprehensive and engaging, "International Politics" offers the best overview of the discipline as well as the forces shaping the world today.
Colonialism and decolonisation M. E. Chamberlain, The Longman Companion to European Decolonisation in the Twentieth Century (Longman, 1998). M. E. Chamberlain, The Scramble for Africa, 2nd edn (Longman, 1999). R. F. Holland, European ...
Now in its fourth edition, Robert Art and Robert Jervis' International Politics continues to provide students with the most comprehensive coverage of important concepts, trends, and issues in international relations....
International Politics: Conflict and Harmony
This book provides a roadmap that can orient the reader towards the main concepts, theories and issues in world politics today necessitating explorations in 'new theorizing', thus making the study of global politics a much more exciting and ...
International Politics: A Framework for Analysis
International Politics: States, Power and Conflict Since 1945