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Harlow, UK: Pearson Education. Price, Marie, Martin Lewis, William Wyckoff and Lester Rowntree, 2020. Globalization and Diversity: Geography of a Changing World. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Sackeyfio, Naaborle. 2017.
Cenker, 2015, 204; Clemens, M. (2013, September 1). “What Do We Know About Skilled Migration and Development?” Policy Brief (Migration Policy Institute). ... Gibson, M. (2014, October). “The Ebola Crisis.
James Habyarimana , Macartan Humphreys , Daniel Posner , and Jeremy Weinstein , Coethnicity : Diversity and the Dilemmas of Collective Action ( New York , NY : Russell Sage Foundation , 2009 ) . 10. Prerna Singh , How Solidarity Works ...
James Stocker, Trinity Washington University, USA “International Studies provides a fascinating mix of multiple disciplinary approaches to International Studies, comprehensive regional coverage, and an eclectic mix of contemporary ...
This Is Why White Evangelicals Still Support Donald Trump (It's Not Economic Anxiety). The Washington Post. https://www 2018/06/19/white-evangelicals-still-support- ...
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Global Issues Sheldon Anderson, Mark Allen Peterson, Stanley W. Toops, Jeanne A.K. Hey ... The coiners of this phrase, Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye (1977), argue that peoples, institutions, ...
This core text is the first to provide a much-needed interdisciplinary approach to international studies.
... Politics: The International Relations of Star Trek, Game of Thrones, and Battlestar Galactica (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015); Alyssa Rosenberg, “Realpolitik in a Fantasy World,” Foreign Policy, July 18, 2011 ...
No one social science can adequately provide explanations and solutions for problems that transcend national boundaries, such as international conflict, political and economic development, ethnic conflict, and terrorism. This core...