A key issue in this discussion concerns choosing the appropriate measure of openness and whether the effect of trade on growth is robust to the indicator . Sebastian Edwards ( 1998 ) factor productivity regressions , using data for ...
The new edition provides new material and examples rigorous enough to meet the challenges of teaching in this fast-moving area, yet approachable enough to encourage learning.
International Trade is a split volume from the text, covering: • Offshoring of goods and services (Chapter 6) • Tariffs and quotas under imperfect competition (Chapter 9) • International agreements on trade, labor, and the environment ...
The American response was to adopt the Marshall Plan in order to assist war- torn countries in their reconstruction and to sponsor the first round of multilateral trade negotiations. The Marshall Plan extended financing for imports ...
This may result in permanently lower prices and eliminate so-called `X-inef®ciency' caused by managerial slack. (Managers are compelled by competition to pursue cost-minimising strategies.) Third, dynamic export growth will encourage ...
International Economics is available as a complete textbook or in two split volumes: International Trade and International Macroeconomics.
The third section of the book analyzes trade policies and discusses current policy debates.This edition is based on Pomfret's Lecture Notes on International Trade Theory and Policy, first published in 2008.
Featuring case studies and social media links that help to illustrate key concepts, this book is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand how trade varies between regions, affects relationships between countries and influences a ...
Originally aimed at those studying for professional qualifications and practitioners involved in export and international trade, combining 'textbook' information and accessible guidelines for best practice, this important handbook has now ...
Today, the struggling global economy makes the questions surrounding trade policy particularly relevant and important. This unit introduces students to the terms and concepts essential to an understanding of trade,...
International Trade: Law and Practice
The new edition has been thoroughly updated to include new data and Applications, as well as many new Headlines to reflect the rapid changes in international economics during the last three years.
International trade and trade policy have become increasingly important and complex in recent years.
Featuring case studies and social media links that help to illustrate key concepts, this book is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand how trade varies between regions, affects relationships between countries and influences a ...
A comprehensive, balanced text, International Trade: Theory and Evidence is the perfect book for International Trade courses at the undergraduate level. It is appropriate either as part of a two-term...
International Trade: The Basics offers an accessible and engaging introduction to contemporary debates on international trade, inviting readers to explore the connections between national political economies within a globally integrated ...
Trade within the EU has been freed, but European and foreign barriers still restrict trade with the rest of the world. Rapid growth in East Asia, and liberalization in Eastern...
This essay aims to examine Friedrich List’s theory of the infant industry argument in detail.
Anthology of readings on the economic theory of international trade economics - explores the theoretical foundations of the heckschern-ohlen model of comparative advantage, and covers free trade, trade policy, tariff...
International Trade is a split volume from the text, covering: • Offshoring of goods and services (Chapter 6) • Tariffs and quotas under imperfect competition (Chapter 9) • International agreements on trade, labor, and the environment ...