The popular text emphasizes the future of biotechnology and the biotechnology student's role in that future with balanced coverage of basic cell and molecular biology, fundamental techniques, historical accounts, new advances, and hands-on ...
You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed. This popular text provides the tools, practice, and basic knowledge for success in the biotech workforce.
Thoroughly updated for currency and with exciting new practical examples throughout, this popular text provides the tools, practice, and basic knowledge for success in the biotech workforce.
With its balanced coverage of basic molecular biology, historical developments and contemporary applications, this text provides students with the tools and basic knowledge for success in the biotech industry.
Offers an introduction to biotechnology and the ways it has revolutionized modern agriculture.
Introduction to Biotechnology is the first biotechnology textbook geared specifically for the diverse scientific backgrounds of undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in biotechnology. With its balanced coverage of...
This newly updated text provides a solid grounding in core biotechnology concepts, as well as information on cutting-edge science and technology and their applications in real-world agriculture, medicine, and health care.
Introduction to Biotechnology
Introduction to Biotechnology
Written primarily for undergraduate and postgraduate biotechnology and microbiology students, this book covers the basics as well as advanced topics on the subject. --
Inquiries in Science Biology Series- Introduction to Biotechnology Teacher's Guide
In Addition, The Book Provides A Glossary Of Terms And Select Bibliography Which Facilitate Easy Understanding And Further Reference.It Is Hoped That The Book Would Be Highly Useful For Both Undergraduates And Graduates, Teachers Of The ...
Throughout the book, they'll explore how biotechnology is as venerable a process as the making of cheese, and as new
Introduction to Biotechnology
Thoroughly updated for currency and with exciting new practical examples throughout, this popular text provides the tools, practice, and basic knowledge for success in the biotech workforce.
Introduction to Biotechnology
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.